Scarlet Letter, character analysis on Hester Pryne

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Rejection to Acceptance In the Scarlet Letter the author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, reveals the heroine, Hester Pryne, as a beautiful, courageous, and strong woman. Hester was despised by many people but soon earned the respect of the town. Hester was tall and elegant. She had a rich complexion and deep black eyes. She was from Europe and was married to Roger Chillingworth, an old and scholarly man. Soon after her marriage she immigrated alone to Boston, …

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…makes a mistake that should not decide whether or not there a terrible person. She also showed the townsmen that judging others because of there past is wrong. Hester shows the importance of others for who they are at the present time. Hester lived an important life. She raised a daughter and became an important seamstress. Even though she never repented for her sin she still served the city of Boston as a great example.