Scarface: The American Dream Gone Bad

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
"What goes up must always come down. When it comes down in Scarface, the crash is as terrifying as it is vivid and arresting." Such are the feelings of New York Times' Vincent Camby that I also share about the classic film, which is not easily forgotten. Scarface, written and produced by Brian DePalma and Oliver Stone, has always been dubbed as being controversial and non-traditional, since its release in 1983. The film shows the American …

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…the film is not trying to promote drugs and killing, but that it's proving the widely known saying that money can't buy happiness. The elements of greed and luxury (and naturally cocaine) corrupted his vision of the American Dream. Al Pacino's work in Scarface helped immortalize the character of Tony Montana who, in the eyes of many, still lives on today. Scarface is one of those rare movies that lives on and can't be forgotten.