Scarface (The Movie)

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TITLE OF MOVIE: Scarface Studio: Universal Studios Producer: Martin Bregman Director: Brian De Palma Stars: Al Picino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Loggia Year of the Movie's Release: 1983 A basic summary of the Plot: Al Pacino gives an unforgettable performance as Tony Montana, one of the most ruthless gangsters ever portrayed on film. Scarface follows the violent career of a small-time Cuban gangster who guns his way to the top of Miami's …

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…This movie is definitely a drama. It has all the makings for a good drama, a crime scene in Miami in the early 1980s, a rollercoaster ride that takes the viewer to the top and then plummets to the bottom even faster. It has the usual hardcore violent gangster in Al Picino, who seems to be untouchable towards the beginning of the movie. This is one of the best gangster drama movies of all time.