Savagry in Lord of The Flies

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Savagery has existed inside of everyone for all of man existence. Though as time has progressed and people have become more civilized the desire to kill mitigates to nothing more than entertainment. In William Golding's Lord of the Flies he proves that man can quickly revert to a savage life style if placed into a hostile environment. Although Roger may be quiet and civilized acting when he arrives on the island he quickly becomes one …

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…desire to kill they could have been rescued. Although they were a group and should have had many civilized actions between them, savageness still won control for the mind. Savageness is such a powerful emotion that no matter how hard the boys tried to resist it they still became consumed by it. William Golding proves in the novel that man will revert to a savage life style if he is put into a hostile environment.