Satilites how they work what they do. also geostaionary and types of satellites.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Satellites. A satellite is basically any object that revolves around a planet in a circular or elliptical path. The three types of communication satellites that I choose are Weather satellites, Astronomy satellites and communication satellites. Weather satellites are used for to predict the whether all around the world. Because of the weather satellites technology we can find out the weather anytime in the world. Weather satellites are also used to send radiation measurements from the …

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…require. Satellites cover different parts of the earth because the signals are in a microwave region, so the satellite dish must face the same direction on earth at all times to ensure that all signals are received and retransmitted in the correct directions to intended receivers. A geostationary satellite is one that orbits the earth once every 12 hours, in an equatorial orbit, and therefore remains over the same point on the earth at all times.