Sanctuary in "The Stranger" by Albert Camus and "A Clean Will Lighted Place"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Many find sanctuary in order to run away from the world and to turn their heads away from their problems. A sanctuary is a place to hide where one can live a different life than the one they lead. Whether it be an actual place or a hobby to submerge themselves in a sanctuary changes their state of mind for the time being. The deaf man's sanctuary is alcohol. With alcohol, he can intoxicate himself …

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…then why do anything at all? That is what the deaf man decided and that is why he tried to kill himself. He knew that it would not matter if he died so why not get it over. Mersault knew the same, and he knew that when the town would execute him the next day that nothing would change in the world. Drinking and thoughts of happiness was just a distraction from that harsh reality.