Samuel Gompers Vs Terence Powderly

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Essay Database > History
Samuel Gompers and Terence Powderly Samuel Gompers and Terence Powderly have some things in common, as well as different. Samuel Gompers was born in London, England on January 27, 1850. When he was only ten years old, He dropped out of elementary school to be a shoemaker. When he was thirteen years old his family moved from London, England to New York. He then became an immigrant cigar maker when he was fourteen years old. He did …

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…for him and for others and their needs. These highly respected men worked very hard through different ideas to accomplish the same effect. They shared the same goals, strived for them equally even if their approach was different or they had a difference of opinion. It is evident that due to differences in people, they may choose different paths in life but the common goal will always bring them together and will ultimately change history.