Samuel Adams

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Samuel Adams Samuel Adams, an American patriot, was born in Quincy, Massachusetts on September 22, 1722. He was a cousin of John Adams, who grew up to be the 2nd president of the United States. His descent was from a respectable family, who had emigrated to America with the first colonial settlers. He attended Harvard University for four years until he graduated in 1740. He later recieved a M.A degree from the college in 1743 and practiced law. …

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…tea. On December 16, 1773 a group of people led by Adams disguised as Native Americans boarded the ship and dumped the tea into the harbor. Amongst all the politics, Adams was a talented writer also. He wrote political pamphlets. Most of his writings were persuasive and instigating. He circulated political pamphlets that convinced people to help join the revolt against the British. Adams also made numerous contributions to the Boston Gazette, a newpaper, through his articles.