SameSex Marriage

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The 8th Amendment talks about freedom of speech and freedom of living life. It is not true for everyone to live his/her life by his/her choice. When one ask someone, he/she will tell that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. They will all say that gay should have the same rights in housing, jobs, and public accommodations and they should have equal access to government benefits and equal protection …

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…gains will come from it, apart from the outcome of any particular battle," he says (Gallagher 36). Bibliography Works Cited Sberman, Suzanne. "Lesbian and Gay Marriage." Philadelphia :Temple university press, 1992. Rotello, Gabriel. "Sexual Ecology:AIDS and the destiny of gay men." New York: Dutton, 1997. Gallagher, John. "Perfect Enemies." New York: Crown publisher, 1996. Internet : Action Alert Andrew's Business Site (2000, April). Available: Questions and Answers about Our Marriage