Same Sex or Same Rights

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
It has been a controversial subject for decades now, yet still a solution has not been achieved. Hundreds of writers have written for and against this subject and many great points have been made. There are two specific essays that appeared in Newsweek, June 3, 1996. Andrew Sullivan wrote Let Gays Marry in his hopes to persuade the audience that gay marriage is perfectly legitimate. In response to this essay, William Bennett, wrote Leave Marriage Alone, and …

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…well. Not only do they state their own ideas but they also commented on each others ideas. This made an excellent display that the controversy of same-sex marriage will go on forever. Everyone will always have their own ideas on the subject. Both of these writers used different themes in their writing which displays perfectly that neither of these arguments is better than the other; it completely depends on who the audience is biased towards.