Same Sex Marriages

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Marriage is about love and one's willingness to share a life's journey together, regardless of one's sexual preference. Same sex marriage has been an issue that many political parties have been trying to tackle for many years. In 2004, only a small proportion of the globe allows same sex marriage. Marriage should be about being able to unite with a person that one loves, despite their gender. Prohibiting same sex marriage is practically the same as …

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…of their sexuality. Heterosexual marriages have always been accepted within the society, whereas same sex marriage needs time in order to be settled. People are afraid to choose who they want to marry, people are afraid to be different, and people are afraid to be open about their sexuality. These fears act as a barrier towards homosexual couples. By legalizing same sex marriage, it will defeat the prejudice that the society has against homosexual marriages.