Same Sex Marriages

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The way our soci ety views sexuality is that anything aside from being heterosexual is wrong. Homosexuals face many controversial issues, such as being banned from the military to marital laws. I feel that homosexuals should have all the same rights as heterosexuals and they should not be judged by their sexual orientation alone. Laws banning as well as states that don't accept same sex marriages are absurd and should be prohibited from having such …

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…he make homosexuals if they were not equal to others? Basically the banning of same sex marriage comes down to the fact that everyone is looking for happiness, so why should anyone else try to deny someone the opportunity to be happy if it is unharmful to others? Same sex marriages really do not hurt anyone, and they shouldn't offend anyone either. They are a personal sacred bond between two people that love each other.