Same Sex Marriage: A Dialogue between Liberal Feminism and Radical Cultural Feminism
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Pages: 5
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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Feminism is by no means a homogenous movement. Rather, it is characterized by diverse viewpoints. This is quite evident when looking at the issue of same sex marriage. Indeed, when we apply two specific feminist perspectives, particularly liberal and radical cultural feminism, to an analysis of same sex marriage, we learn that the two approach the issue quite differently, often conflicting and contradicting one another. I will argue in this paper that liberal feminism, by
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on reforming the system and one based on removing it, "[Radical-cultural feminists] spirit was a spirit of the revolutionary left, whose goal was not to reform what they regarded as an elitist, capitalistic, competitive, individualistic 'system' but to replace it with egalitarian, socialistic, cooperative, communitarian, sisterhood-is-powerful systems" (Tong 23). Works Cited: Tong, Rosemarie P. Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction. 2nd Ed. <Tab/>Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998. Comments: Could be developed further
on reforming the system and one based on removing it, "[Radical-cultural feminists] spirit was a spirit of the revolutionary left, whose goal was not to reform what they regarded as an elitist, capitalistic, competitive, individualistic 'system' but to replace it with egalitarian, socialistic, cooperative, communitarian, sisterhood-is-powerful systems" (Tong 23). Works Cited: Tong, Rosemarie P. Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction. 2nd Ed. <Tab/>Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998. Comments: Could be developed further