Same-Sex Marriage

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Essay Database > History
Same-Sex Marriage Should be Allowed A few weeks ago, the famous singer Elton John got married to a man he was dating for twelve years. Many famous people anticipated his wedding ceremony, and it was broadcaste over a worldwide hookup. Nowadays, same-sex marriage was allowed in some countries and many people understand homosexual. However, the issue of same-sex marriage is still a controversial one. Same-sex marriage rights groups insist that it is obviously love and …

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…who do not have parents because it is better than living without the family, so same sex marriage should be allowed in every country. In conclusion, allowing same-sex marriage should not be the issue anymore because it is about human rights. Although law against same-sex marriage can forbid the marriage, it cannot get rid of their loving feelings for a member of the same sex. People who do not understand homosexuality should allow homosexual loves.