Same Sex Marriage: A Critical Analysis of Some Common Conservative Arguments

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The issue of same-sex marriage has quite polarized society. There are those who are in favour of total equality of right for homosexuals, and there are those who are completely against the presence of homosexuality in our society. Very rarely does one find middle ground. It may seem difficult to find a stance on this issue that is not rife with hypocrisy and doublespeak. Having researched the conservative arguments against gay marriage , it has become …

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…it does not seem that a win-win solution can be found. The conservatives are vocal and numerous. However all of their arguments can be refuted. In all cases of minorities trying to get the same rights as the "majority", whether they be French Canadians, immigrants, women or blacks, the minority in question has always won out (at least legally) in the end. Whether one likes it or not, tolerance will always win out over oppression.