Sam Walton- Entrepeneur

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
As Kelly Fitzgerald points out, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, who passed away on April 5, 1992, "was like no other man in this world," and has been described as "industrious (and with) a burning ambition to succeed." As a businessman, Sam Walton "started his own business from almost nothing (and) changed the field of management" in relation to his Wal-Mart ventures (Internet, 2003). This description of Sam Walton is the basis of his amazing success as one of …

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…Sam Walton: "The Model Manager of Wal-Mart." Internet. Accessed October 26, 2003. walton1.htm. Huey, John. Discounting Dynamo Sam Walton. Internet. TIME 100: Builders & Titans. Accessed October 26, 2003. aasamwalton.htm. Sam Walton's 10 Rules for Success. Internet. The CEO Refresher. 1999. Accessed October 26, 2003.!walton. Sam Walton--Retail Success Story. Internet. Accessed October 26, 2003.