Sam Adams Ale Comparison

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Samuel Adams Ale Comparison Beer is liquid bread. It is a natural product made of natural whole grains. All bread is not the same and either are Samuel Adams Ales. Most people assume that all Samuel Adam Ales are the same beer with different names. Samuel Adams Ales have some similarities but are usually very different in taste, color, and the process in which they are made. Samuel Adams Summer Ale and Samuel Adams IPA (…

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…is wheat ale brewed with lemon zest and grains of paradise. Summer Ale is a slightly hazy golden color. It has approximately 150 calories per serving and contains 5.2% alcohol. In conclusion all Samuel Adams Ales are not the same with different names and labels. They may have the same packaging & be brewed in the same brewery but the important factors are different; Such as availability, color, calories, alcohol content and most importantly the taste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**