Saks Fifth Avenue and Sprout Kids - departement store vs. boutique - Infant clothing.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
History 1820's - Big development in children's apparel, children were dressed like miniature adults 1865 - William Carter Company was found 1906 -The Boy Scout movement was founded in England. The short pants uniform adopted had a powerful influence in replacing knee-pants and long stocking with short pants and knee-socks. The English Scout uniform was adopted around the world, except in America where boys mostly wore knickers. 1917-1918 - Better children clothes were introduced; Standardized children sizing …

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…re many blues, pink and lavender colors, which are the 2003 summer trends. Also, the short sleeves dresses, light embroidery or patched sweater that were on display are in fashion for the upcoming season. The buyer of the boutique did wonderful job matching colors of the baby wear with upcoming season. Light pastels, whites and short sleeves dresses will be definitely worn in this summer. Publications: Trade publications: Earnshaws, Preferred Consumer Publications: Parenting, Mothering, American Baby