"Sad as She" written by Juan Carlos Onetti.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Life Forsaken Have you ever just had enough? Have you ever spiraled completely, totally and incomprehensively into a state of apathy? Into a resigned conniption? The truth is that we all have, but very few are able to take it as far as the woman does in "Sad as She." Onetti uses the woman as a representation of the emotional limits that we as a human race all have. Everybody has a "boiling point" …

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…life, after I considered the torment that the woman was finally freed from I couldn't help but feel empathetic towards her decision. She had finally reached the very end of her rope, and without anything left to help her find peace. "Piercing the night with her little breasts bright and hard as zinc, she kept on walking until sinking into the huge moon that had waited for her steadily for years, not so many years"