Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures

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Essay Database > History
Imagine Japan in the earlier part of its existence, before it was as we know it now. What it unified under one ruler or was in made up of many smaller societies? How did people have kinship ties with one another? How did they live? While you contemplate these things others have already extensively researched them, written about them, and taught the history to other people. One such individual, William Wayne Farris, wrote a book …

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…therefore having some Korean influence. Farris deduces that the Japanese could not have ruled over the more powerful Korean kingdoms, but probably had an outpost there through which many aspects of the Korean culture passed to the archipelago. He also stated that the stem of the Japanese contempt for the Koreans stems from their hatred of the Silla who, it is rumored, tried to bribe a Japanese emissary to help them over throw the court.