Sacco and Vanzetti: Editorial

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Essay Database > History
The Sacco and Vanzetti case has caused quite an uproar in the past 7 years. These two italian immigrants have affected and caused an upheaval in every part of the US and many parts around the world. As you all probably have heard, Sacco and Vanzetti were accused and convicted for burglary and murder in a Payroll office in South Braintree, Massachusetts. They are sentenced to be executed by electricution tomorrow. The fact that two men …

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…be tried as the normal US citizens they are and there should be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that these men did no commit these acts of violence in Massachusetts. Our electricity could be put to much better use rather than killing two innocent men. All people in the US are innocent until PROVEN guilty and if these men are put to death, the United States is obviously no longer the "land of the free".