Sacco and Vanzetti

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The Sacco-Vanzetti affair is the most famous and controversial case in American legal history. In our history, justice has not always resulted in fairness, but instead in the denial of the rights of ordinary citizens. In the 1920's, a tumultuous decade of social unrest, numerous Americans were discriminated against for their political or religious beliefs and ethnicity. It was a decade of intense nationalism, in which the rights of immigrants were violated in such events …

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…a fair trial and that racial prejudices can permeate our societal structures to an unfortunate end. The ease with which it entered this infamous trial is reason enough to examine our current system and be aware of its weaknesses. The Sacco-Vanzetti case is proof that justice is often not blind, but instead is a very seeing participant in our systems and our lives. all from