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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The term socialisation can be used in describing the process of the State taking over services, industry and other institutions of a society for the benefit of it's members. However, in our context socialisation is, "The process by which an individual acquires the knowledge appropriate to a given society" (Peterson, C., p 373). Through socialisation, the individual becomes integrated into, and behaves adaptively within a society, wether a social, cultural, governmental or organisational society. Reber (1995, p. 732), …

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…act creatively and how we respond to novel stimuli."(Bessant, J. & Watts, R. 1999, p 110). The theory claims that people can be different in three ways. Slightly different or displaying individuality like strange hairstyles or body piercing. Delinquent members may pull rude faces or write graffiti on a train or finally, criminal ( eg robbing, raping, murder ). Transgression of society's constraints and "norms", dictated through socialisation, are usually deterred to bring people "back into line".