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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
THUNDER PLAINS SIDE QUEST INFORMATION *Calibrating the Lightning Rod Towers* If you speak with one of the Al Bhed workers near the Southern and Northern entrances of the Thunder Plains twice during Chapters 2 and 3, you'll be asked to assist in calibrating the Lightning Rod Towers. This mini-game is totally optional, but the better you are at it, the greater the rewards will eventually be. There are ten towers to be calibrated in total. They each …

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…to the right of the cave entrance, and search the left side of the dead-end cliff. Once you've found the device, pan the camera to the right and zoom all the way in on the tree that's farthest in the distance. Once you've found them all, enter the cave and input the code at the right-hand gate. This will lead you to the top of the waterfall, where you'll find the Raging Giant Garment Grid.