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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination, under New York State human rights law Title VII of the federal civil rights act in 1964. Sexual Harassment can take many forms, including request for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances or other unwelcome verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature made either explicity or implicity. This illegal conduct may occur in housing or public accomomadation, training programs, hotels, restaurants, most often it occurs in the …

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…you. If you have witnesses provide name, adress and telephone number. What you bring to intake determines the outcome of the investigation as well as the speed and scope. You must be prepared to answer these questions: What happened? When did it happen? why did it happen? Who else was treated the same as you? Who was treated better? Who witnessed the discrimanatory acts? If you follow these steps justice will be served for you.