SAT - A Test of Inequality

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Every year, over two million U.S. high school students will take the "SAT 1 Reasoning Test", also known as SAT. It is a three hours test designed to determine the chance of academic success in college for a high school student. How well they do will play a big part in determining whether or not they'll get into college, and whether they'll make it into an elite university. Anyone who has sweated through the SAT, …

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…amp;amp; World Report (1999). Academic Search Premier. City University of Baruch Library. Article 2377361. 12 Oct. 2003 Sacks, Peter. " SAT--A Failing Test." Nation (2001). Academic Search Premier. City University of Baruch Library. Article 4255357. 12 Oct. 2003<Tab/> Stubbs, Marcia, Sylvan Barnet and William E Cain, eds. The Little, Brown Reader. 9th ed. New York: longman, 2003