SAS Institute 1. What do I think are the key values of the firm? 2. How do SAS's values and goals motivate employees?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
SAS Corporation (SAS stands for Statistical Analytical Software) is the world's leader in business analytics software, delivering breakthrough technology needed to transform the way a business does business. To accomplish this enviable position, SAS established a set of key values and goals that has clearly define the direction the company wants to go. This has catapulted them from the company's humble begging 28 years ago with only seven employees, to a massive corporation with 200 offices in …

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…history.html V. SAS Website Corporation Website, Work Life, 2004 VI. SAS Website Corporation Website, 2004 VII. SAS Website Corporation Website, Work Life, 2004 VIII. Fast Company, Sanity INC, January 1999, Page 84, by Charles Fishman IX. SAS Website Corporation Website, Executive, 2004