Rwanda Genocides, and "A Portait of a Woman."

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
"Hotel Rwanda" and "A Portait of a Woman" Mercy and Justice Shall Meet. In class, we watched two films and watched a presentation on the topics of Mercy and Justice. In these movies, we saw everything from sexism and abuse, to genocide, aids, more spousal abuse, and the extinction of a people from their home land. The first movie, "Portrait of a Woman", displayed the difficulties and even dangers of being a woman in the …

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…said it meant a lot to them that the Australians were apologizing because it put some closer to the matter. This presentation made me think about many things - how I treat others, how I step up and help others, and how much I can do to make a difference in someone's life. In closing, I enjoyed the two movies and the presentation. They were very interesting and I got a lot out of them.