Rutherford Bichard Hayes

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Rutherford B. Hayes (19th president) Rutherford Bichard Hayes was not a well know president. He was not president that had the opportunity to lead us through a war. He was not a president that would draw much attention to the public eye. He was however one of the presidents that had a great triumph over a major U.S. problem, economics and civil rights following a war. The United States was just coming out of …

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…appear in a president and became a role model to the following presidents. Honoring his commitment not to accept a second term, Hayes retired to his home, Spiegel Grove, in Fremont, Ohio after his presidential term. From here, Hayes continued to give of his time helping veterans to receive their pensions, improving conditions in prisons, and promoting universal education. Rutherford Bichard Hayes died of heart failure at Spiegel Grove January 17, 1893, at the age of seventy.