Russian Spies

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In order to resurrect what he sees as Moscow's "former glory," Russian President Vladimir Putin has been busy building a coalition of rogue nations, including Red China, North Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Cuba and others to defy what he calls America's "unipolar" geo-strategic influence. During this buildup, Putin has dramatically increased Russia's intelligence activity against the U.S, its friends and allies, mainly to penetrate their secrets but also to influence the policies of …

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…in this area. It would be difficult to say that the new democracies do not want to prevent dangerous Russian intelligence activity against themselves and the West in total. However, without support from the U.S. and other traditional democracies they cannot succeed in the battle with the world's most experienced and aggressive intelligence services. And without this support Americans cannot feel comfortable while visiting or residing in the areas targeted by Russia's spy agencies.