Russian Revolution Essay

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
Revolution broke out in 1917 as a direct result of World War 1. Russia's economic transition into an industrialised country could not cope with the money needed to fund a war which led to spiralling morale issues within Russia and consequently crippled the Tsar's support amongst the population of Russia. Russia had created a radical economic management plan to rapidly accelerate their transition into an industrial power. The Tsar felt as though Russia had been in a …

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…against the Tsarina who was governing Russia at the time. In conclusion, nearly all signs indicate that the Russian revolution was a direct result of the war as the opinions and moods of the Russian people were severely changed due to the lack of food and the military blunders of the army. To the Russians it was the Tsarina's fault for the lack of food and it was the Tsar's fault for the army's humiliation.