Russian Revolution

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Essay Database > Literature > English
At the time of World War One, Russia's czarist rulers had entered with good intensoins to win land and gain kwnoledge in Eastern Europe. The czar not taking certain things into consideration, felt the stresses of the war and had his czarist state destroyed after over 5 million casualties were killed and major food shortages at home, and throughout the military. If this was not bad enough for the czar, what used to be a harmless …

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…palace.This is called the October Revolution. After Lenin gained power, Lenin made a mistake by letting previously scheduled elections to still take place. In the November 1917 polls, the Bolshevik candidates hold just under 25 percent of the vote meanwhile moderate socialists raked in more than 40 percent of the total count. About to enter a civil war, Lenin sent his troops to close the constituent assembly. This would later emerge into a Lenist and Stalinist tyranny.