Russian Cuisine

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Every culture has its own way of life, traditions, holidays, songs and fairy-tales. That makes us different and is also what makes us a culture. Every culture has its favorite dishes and its inherent feast customs. Rich natural resources favored making particular national dishes. In Russia the first recipes were written by monk-chroniclers. The monks lived by their own labors and by the fruit of their labors. They cultivated the land, fished, gathered herbs, kept …

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…the vast network of inland waterways can carry a huge amount of traffic. In East Siberia, ships carry virtually all heavy freight (Alfanza 1) Most of Russia's cities and towns are connected by air. The Russian Federation may be conveniently divided into 9 major regions: the Central European Region, the North and Northwest European Region, the Volga Region, the North Caucasus, the Ural Region, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, Northern and Northwestern Siberia, and the Russian Far East.