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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Russia is a very diversified and extreme country. Russia is now booming, with its literature, arts, and cultural traditions that are being recognized and practiced stronger than ever. Cathedrals and churches are coming alive again with new materials. History has a lot to do with culture. A year from now, the city of Moscow, Russia's capital, will celebrate its eight hundred-fiftieth anniversary. Russia is shaking loose from its old communist propaganda and is commemorating artists …

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…standing from the ancient past. Most churches have high walls with very few openings, sharply sloped roofs, and many onion-shaped domes that cover the structure. Russian culture today includes art, music, and even athletics. Russians have skyrocketed in chess, ice-skating, gymnastics, ballet, skiing, and wrestling. They are top contenders in world-class events such as the Olympics. Many westerners do not realize it, but Russia is a vast country with extreme culture and a rich history.