Rural/Urban conflicts of the 1920s

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Essay Database > History
Rural and Urban Conflict in the 1920s At the end of World War I, changes in society began to dominate daily lives. Conflict arose as an increasingly urban, secular society came into conflict with older rural traditions. The rise of new ideas and the change into peacetime economy brought problems in both urban and rural environments. The two sections of the county had their own sources of conflict, but many affected both. One source of …

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…sell their goods. They were forced to switch immediately back to domestic markets. This shift forced factory owners to fire employees, and eventually loose their companies. The 1920s had brought great change to urban and rural communities. These changes, based on a change in religious principals, hatred toward immigrants, a new theory of human evolution, and a change in production, changed the way of living for many people. The United States would never ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**