Run, Lift and Eat properly for the 5K race

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Run, Lift and Eat properly for the 5K race Five kilometers is equal to 3.1 miles. To many people, this distance may seem too far to even walk, let alone run. I am not suggesting either of the two. I suggest getting your body into the best shape of your life, and racing this distance, commonly referred to as the 5K. The beauty of the 5K is that it takes all comers. It's the perfect introductory …

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…amp;gt;Yelling, Christopher. Training Secrets for Runners. Delmore Books. Ohio, 2000. 4.<Tab/> - a runner's guide to fartlek training. 5.<Tab/> - a runner's guide to lifting 6.<Tab/> - a runner's guide to nutrition 7.<Tab/> - a general runner's guide