Rules Of The Game

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
RINGETTE - Ringette is played on any standard ice rink. Five skaters and a goalie are on the ice for each team, unless of course there are penalties being served. The object is to score goals on the net of your opponent. How you do that however, is where Ringette becomes unique. A straight stick of wood, fiberglass, or aluminum is used to pass an 8" hollow rubber ring between team mates. - Play is started …

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…ball and is within 8 feet of the pitcher's mound. - If the base runner is hit by the ball when thrown by a player of the opposing team, he/she is not out. If the base runner is hit by the ball when hit, he/she is out. - No steel cleats are allowed. Rubber-moulded cleats are allowed. - Each team can supply an umpire when batting, or you can go by the honesty policy.