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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
I. TEAM COMPOSITION 1. Seven (7) players constitute a team. All players MUST bring a valid WNEC ID. A. A team may play a scheduled game with a minimum of five (5) players. B. B. Team rosters will be formed based on the players who are listed on the team rosters in the intramural office. C. Additions may be made to the roster at up to 2 weeks following a teams first game. The intramural office must acknowledge this …

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…- Offensive charging. G. 10 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage - Offensive holding. H. 10 Yard penalty from the end of the run - Tripping. - Holding runner in order to grab the flag. I. Defensive pass interference will result in an automatic first down for the offensive team at the point of infraction. Defensive pass interference in the end zone results in a first down for the offense at the one-yard line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**