Rulers from Asia

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Essay Database > History
Rulers From Asia After the fall of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt a group of nomadic people from Asia invaded and captured Lower Egypt. These people were called the Hyksos. Egypt lacked a standing army and their weapons were far inferior to that of the invaders. The weak rulers of the Thirteenth Dynasty led to an internal struggle within the government, thus ripping the empire into many small factions and leaving it open to attack. …

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…Like on the Banks of the Nile. Richmond: Time Life, inc; 1997. Hyksos. [online] Available Hyksos. [online] Available Hyksos. [online] Available Newby, P.H. Warrior Pharaohs: The Rise and Fall of the Egyptian Empire. Boston: Faber and Faber ltd, 1980. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1995.