Ruby Pitt Woodrow in A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons

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Essay Database > Literature
Major events in one's life often play an important role in defining character, values, and beliefs. These same events serve to determine the mold of a person, essentially what they are made of. They act as a window to the soul; through this window, heroes are discovered. In the novel A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons, the character Ruby Pitt Woodrow functions as a classic hero who faces numerous hardships. Throughout her life, Ruby has …

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…her passionate spirit. Her responses to her sheltered childhood, abusive marriage, and devastating effects of lung cancer clearly classify her as a classic hero. The attributes acquired as she evolves from a delicate girl into a feisty young woman enable her to handle life's challenges and hardships with a smile on her face. Those same qualities, possessed by very few individuals, allow Ruby to experience and overcome sorrow, yet still retain the ability to love.