Rousseau and Voltaire

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Essay Database > History
In the French Revolution, the struggle for freedom, (liberty) was a long-term goal. Voltaire pointed out that to be free or liberated meant to be able to, or the power to act. At the same time, the term free will meant to wish. Since these terms were often interchanged, their meanings were blurred and unclear. According to the Age of Reason, nothing happens without a cause. So Voltaire might have reasoned that such violent events …

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…state must remember what is good for the entire group and not separate politics from morality. Although Voltaire and Rousseau had different ideas of an effective form of government, both believed that man was basically good and deserved the rights of freedom, equality and just rule. As long as men used rationality to make decisions, they could have political power and economic freedom, as well as liberty to take actions without infringing on others rights.