Rosellen Brown

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Rosellen Brown resides in Chicago, Illinois and is the author of five novels: Before and After (1992), Civil Wars (1984), Tender Mercies (1978), The Autobiography of my Mother (1976), and Half a Heart (2000). Brown was the recipient of an award in literature from the American Academy of Arts and has received numerous other awards. My reaction to Rosellen Brown as a speaker centered on her intriguing personality. She portrayed no superiority for having such an extensively read book and …

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…of conveying a teens mind in Ronnee's situation. Rosellen Brown stated in the beginning of her speech that this book was about change. As someone who has read the book I fully agreed that this was the impression that came across in the text. In conclusion, I pulled from her speech that she believes change comes from insight into others lives in comparison to ones own, just as Ronnee and Miriam were being to change.