Roots- a movie review based on the slavery of of Africans to the America's

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The show 'Roots' is about one African male (Kunta Kinte) being captured and shipped off to the Americas to serve as a slave until the day he dies. In this show we learn of the many traumas that Kunta had to get through just to get to the Americas such as the middle passage, where they had barely any room to sit up, they were extremely close together and were chained up for unimaginable lengths …

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…them selves. Kunta cut free of his chains at one stage and ran off but was quickly caught and severely punished and was even more punished when he refused to learn his new name. But he finally accepts his new name when he was beaten half to death. In conclusion this movie is very moving to give us an idea of what cruel punishment went on back in the horrific days of the slave trade.