Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson: Progressive Presidents

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Progress is not something that comes very quickly. It is a gradual process that takes time, in the interest of our country and the Progressive Era, more than a decade. The presidents of this time, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, were like chefs developing a recipe for the betterment of the United States. Every act that was passed, each decision that was made, was a trial or taste-test of the constantly changing recipe for the country. …

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…Wilson was a white supremacist that encouraged accelerated segregation between whites and blacks, instead of fighting for equality. Each president, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, indeed had their complications during their terms. However, each brought about so much positive change exemplified in the numerous acts that are still in effect today, and each led the way for the presidents that would follow in later years, that one could say the years between 1905-1917 were truly progressive.