"Romulus My Father".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
In the Biography "Romulus, my father" written by Raimond Gaita, Romulus believes that nothing in life matters so much "as to live it decently". Having a very moral perspective, a strong work ethic and enduring friendships such as his one with Hora were the foundation of how Romulus believed life should be lived and he was a perfect illustration of his definition of decency. However the biography shows us that decency does not always guarantee …

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…of you if they feel they can. Even though Romulus faced mental illness that could perhaps be blamed on the way he lived his life, he still managed to cope and ended up living it the way he wanted. His life wasn't great by any standards, but for Romulus it wasn't about great. It was about being decent and he certainly shows what it is and how hard it is to lead a decent life.