Romero: Summarizes the movie and explains the unjustness of the government of Mexico at the time. Compares to the Watergate Scandal.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Oscar Romero was a brave Catholic Bishop in El Salvador in an environment where public religious celebrations were considered rebellious, and speaking your mind meant defying the government and risking execution. Romero saw nothing but to defend his clergy and he greatly disagreed with acts done by the government. However, after he had seen so many of his fellow pastor brothers murdered because they preached of the injustices within El Salvador to the people in …

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…Union having military relations. In the end, it was proven that even people who appeared to be on Nixon's side, knew what he was doing was morally wrong and unjust. They took the chance to oppose Nixon's repression and leak information to the press to show the world the his corrupt acts. Of course the opposition led to the eventual early retirement of Nixon and resignation from office, showing that over time, righteousness does prevail.