"Romeo & Juliet" by Baz Luhrmann - Summary.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Romeo and Juliet has many underlying themes and ideas that Baz Luhrmann has conveyed in his version of the story. The main ideas the film seeks to convey are love, tragedy, consequences and loyalty. Baz Lurhmann has used our interest in conflict to convey each one of these themes, as well as using several different film techniques which are mad to appeal to a young audience. All the themes in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet …

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…love. There is a lot of tragedy in Romeo and Juliet -<Tab/>tragedy of mecutios death -<Tab/>the potions at the end loyalty and consquences -<Tab/>mecutios death due to loyalty to romeo and his family (montegue) -<Tab/>general loyalty between people -<Tab/>consequences of cival brawls, poison at end