Romeo and juliet.plot summary

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Romeo and Juliet The Montagues and the Capulets are the two main families in the city of Verona and they have been at war for centauries and one day the montages come across a Capulet messenger with an invitation to a Capulet ball. Romeo and his friends decide to gatecrash their party they enter as masked people ,Romeo who is supposedly in love with rosaline meets Juliet and falls in love, while he is talking …

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…Romeo telling him of their plan to fake her death but the letter does not get to him and he hears of Juliet's death so he goes to see her him is so sad and angry that he kills himself at her tomb but just then wakes and sees him commit suicide so she does the same their parents and family realise what has happened but all to late so they agree to stop fighting.