Romeo and Juliet; How do the events in act 3 scene 1 change the outcome of the play? and how does this reflect on the love and hate theme?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
My initial thoughts of the first two acts in Romeo and Juliet are filled with hope. Despite the initial Act 1 Scene 1 fight, (which the reader is led to expect due to prologue lines 'from ancient grudge break new mutiny'). When I personally read Act 1 Scene 1, I believed that this was the fight the prologue was talking about. From then on a reader could be mistaken for thinking Romeo and Juliet is the tale of a …

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…and Juliet are still in love throughout Romeo's exile from Verona. They die in eachothers arms as the prologue suggests, 'A pair of star-crossed lovers'. 'Romeo and Juliet' has a main theme of Love and Hate and also Love overcoming Hate. Act 3 scene 1 is a good example of this. The love for their own family has lead to hate between the two families. Also the uncontrollable love between two people caused mutiny, hate and death.