Romeo and Juliet monologue

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Essay Database > Literature
Juliet's monologue It was on the day my dad gave a party, I wonder how he was there. He looked very nervous. He seemed to be searching for someone, perhaps someone special. Then his keen eyes fell on mine. I couldn't resist the way he stared at me. So I immediately turned away. his hands suddenly touched mine, it was cold and a sudden shiver ran across my body. I knew he liked me and …

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…I rushed him up a bit to get ready for his journey. I felt darkness fall over me. Suddenly, the nurse alerted us as he had to leave quickly as possible because my mother was coming to see me. Then everything went quick and well. Then we gave a farewell kiss and then he went. When he was walking away unpleasant thought rushed through my mind. I feared whether we will meet again or not.